Tag: Developer

Dynamics CRM, Performance

Alternate Keys helps preventing duplicates

If you want to prevent duplicates in CRM, you can use duplicate detection rules. This will inform the users, that there is a duplicate, but it’s just an information. The user can click save and the duplicate will be created. If you use the SDK, you won’t get an information about duplicates automatically. Only if …

Dynamics CRM, Server-Side-Synchronization

Automatically set the userdecision on mailbox sync errors

If you connect your exchange mailbox with crm, you might already have appointments in your mailbox. Also, there might be some appointments in CRM. If you have an appointment in exchange and CRM at the same time, CRM will show you an alert, asking you if you want to import this. In my case, I …

Dynamics CRM

Converting PersonalViews to SystemViews

If you think of migrating your CRM-System to another system or just want to transfer a view from you test environment to the productive system, creating a new solution and adding the items is easy. However, what are you doing, of some of your “Expert Users” created some personal views, which also should be transferred?