Dynamics CRM, Mailbox

Troubleshooting importing emails again

The last week I had the problem, that some e-mails weren’t imported to my queues from the exchange mailbox. Therefore, I set the field ProcessEmailReceivedAfter in the mailbox (How to import emails again into queues from exchange) via the api. But after that, the mailbox didn’t import any emails.

I checked the date in the server profile, but this was far in the past. I tried to change the date, but hat problems, as I always got an error message. After some googling I found a page that pointed out, that the date in the server profile mustn’t be older than 60 days from now. I changed the date of the server profile to a valid date in the last 60 days, but the mailbox didn’t sync, all other mailboxes synced.

I worked with a Microsoft engineer on the problem, and he pointed out, the I set a date in the future. This leads the sync, to pause the mailbox until this date.

He told me:

  1. If the field in the mailbox is July 12th, and the field in the profile is July 1st, it will process back to July 12th.
  2. If the field in the profile is July 12th, the mailbox field will also be July 12th, and won’t go back further even if you set it manually to something like July 1st


The sync-date for a mailbox therefore depends on the date in the server-profile and also the date of the mailbox. I changed the date and the new mails got imported again, but not all emails got imported.

After some testing, I set the date of the server-profile and the mailbox to the same date. After testing & enabling the mailbox again, all missing emails starting with the defined date got import.

  1. The date for “Process Email From” in the Email Server Profile mustn’t be older that 60 days to save changes of the profile
  2. The date for ProcessEmailReceivedAfter in the mailbox can be in the future without any error displayed and the mailbox won’t sync mails till this date.
  3. To importing missing mails setting the “Process Email From” and ProcessEmailReceivedAfter to the same date is necessary.