Customization, Dynamics CRM

Disable Sales Copilot Preview for Dynamics 365

With the new update, the preview of “Sales Copilot” is enabled by default. If you are looking for an environment setting or a feature-flag you won’t find it.

Showing the Copilot-Preview-Feature on the dashboard view.

To disable the Copilot, you have to do it for each app. Therefore navigate to the app “Sales Hub”.

Selecting the “Sales Hub”-App

At the left bottom, you navigate to the “App Settings” and then select the “Sales Copilot”-menu on the navigation pane.

Navigating to the “Sales Copilot” Setting-Page

This will open the Coplilot Settings. In this view, at the bottom there is a button called “Manage app”. Pressing this button will open a setup on the right side.

Managing the app and disabling the feature for specific apps.


Untick all the apps, where you don’t want to show this preview feature and hit confirm. On the next reload of the page, the copilot won’t appear any more.