Dynamics CRM

Converting PersonalViews to SystemViews

If you think of migrating your CRM-System to another system or just want to transfer a view from you test environment to the productive system, creating a new solution and adding the items is easy. However, what are you doing, of some of your “Expert Users” created some personal views, which also should be transferred?

I was searching the web for a solution and found a good one. There is a managed solution called PersonalViewtoSystemView. You can find it here on GitHub.

After importing this solution, you have an additional button in the “saved views”-view in your advanced find. Select your personal view and convert this to a system view. This gives you the option to include it in your solution and transfer it from your test- to your productive-environment.

personal to system view

This also helps your expert users, to create a view, modify it until its perfect and then make it “public”, means converting it to a system view and publish it to all other users.