Customization, Dynamics CRM

TurboForm (TurboNotifier) on Forms

Today I was wondering, why crm is showing a green Icon with the text “TurboForm” on my account form. I digged in all my solutions, settings and browser extensions but wasn’t able to find the source of this green bar.

TurboForm - TurboNotifier
TurboNotifier on CRM 2016 forms

As next step, I looked for the id of the span in all files on the CRM-Server and found this span-tag in the Page.aspx file.

Based on this snippet, it was easy to find the setting, which is showing this bar.

Therefore open the web.config and search for the following line:

Change the value of debug to false, save the file and reload the crm-page (this will take a few seconds, as after changes on the config, the IIS will restart the page)