Dynamics CRM, Resco

Browser URL schemes

Today I had a very specific requirement. Using the resco mobile app on iOS and android, I had to open a dynamic generated URL in a specific browser on the client.

To solve the problem, I created a command in resco and added the button to the form (straight forward). But if you click the button, the system automatically opens the default browser.

Using android, you can set the default browser, used by the operating system. But on iOS, there is no way, to set the default browser.

After some digging, I found out, that there are different “browser url schemes”. Based on these scheme, you can force the operating system, to open a URL in a specific browser.

I added a table with examples and the scheme:

Browser Scheme Link (Open Url in …)
Chrome googlechrome Chrome
googlechromes Chrome (httpsS)
Safari safari-httpss Safari
Firefox firefox Firefox
Opera opera-httpss Opera
Microsoft Edge microsoft-edge Microsoft Edge
vmWare WorkspaceOne Web awb AirWatch Browser (vmWare Web)
awbs AirWatch Browser (vmWare Web) (httpsS)